Hillier’s Motion to Improve Indigenous Consultations Adopted by Ontario Legislature

6 March 2020

(QUEEN’S PARK)- Yesterday, MPP Randy Hillier’s (Independent, Lanark–Frontenac–Kingston) Motion to create a permanent Standing Committee on Indigenous Relations was debated and passed with the full support of the House. This marks the first ever Standing Committee on Indigenous Relations in any Provincial legislature.

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(Video) Question: Cutting of Mobile Crisis Response Teams

Today in the Legislature I questioned the Premier on funding changes that would mean the end of a very successful pilot project that was undertaken in Lanark County.

Funding from the Solicitor General was provided to the Lanark County OPP to establish a Mobile Crisis Response Team (MCRT) which saw a mental health nurse ride with police.

The Solicitor General misled the House telling us that cutting the successful Mobile Crisis Response Team (MCRT) pilot, which saw a mental health nurse ride with police, was an “operational decision” by the OPP. It wasn't.

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Solicitor General Misleads House, Ends Mental Health Program

3 March 2020


(Queen’s Park) – Today in the Legislature, Randy Hillier (Lanark–Frontenac–Kingston) questioned the Premier on funding changes that would mean the end of a very successful pilot project that was undertaken in Lanark County.

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Motion: Create A Select Committee On Education

Randy Hillier (Independent MPP for Lanark–Frontenac–Kingston) has tabled a motion in the Ontario Legislature to create a Select Committee on Education.

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Will Government And Teachers Ever Stop Fighting?

28 February 2020

(Queen’s Park) - Randy Hillier (Independent MPP for Lanark–Frontenac–Kingston) has tabled a motion in the Ontario Legislature to create a Select Committee on Education.

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(Video) Statement: Conservation Authorities Feedback

The review of the Conservation Authorities Act is a commitment made by the current government during the 2018 provincial general election, with the objective of moving Ontario’s Conservation Authorities back to their core mandate.

I encourage everyone to participate in the public consultation process to make your ideas and concerns known. The deadline for completing the online survey and providing feedback is Friday, March 13th, 2020.

You can participate by following the link here.

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Consultation: Ontario Conservation Authorities

I have had significant dealings with the Conservation Authorities in my riding, both before being elected and since.

I cannot count the number of times I have intervened and advocated for my constituents over unjust demands, incompetence, misapplication of regulations, or actions that are ultra vires.

I encourage everyone to participate in the public consultation process to make your ideas and concerns known.

The cut off for feedback is March 13th, so time is of the essence.

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(Video) Question: Create A Standing Committee On Indigenous Relations

Today in the Ontario Legislature, Randy Hillier (Independent MPP for Lanark–Frontenac–Kingston) called upon the government to create a Standing Committee on Indigenous Relations.

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Hillier Calls For A Standing Committee On Indigenous Relations

25 February 2020


(Queen’s Park) - Today in the Ontario Legislature, Randy Hillier (Independent MPP for Lanark–Frontenac–Kingston) called upon the government to create a Standing Committee on Indigenous Relations.

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Ending the Indian Act & Blockades, using Facts and Plain Language, Pt 2

Radical Protestors Calling for a Shutdown to CanidI am pleased to see some of the railway blockades ending, however we all know that until there is fundamental change, blockades, protests, and irreparable harm to our economy will continue.

Although there are those who disagree with my positions on the railway blockades and the attempts made to “Shut Canada Down”, the vast majority of my constituents who have called or emailed me, support my position.

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