Letter to the Premier Respecting Vapes

Below you can read my letter to the Premier regarding the current conundrum on vapes and the status of schedule 3 of Bill 45.

Showing 4 reactions

  • J G
    commented 2015-12-12 08:57:09 -0500
    Schedule 3 – Bill 45 comes into effect Jan 1st.. An industry killer.. Sad.. @shawna the law is passed.. This was the case the day of the rally.. Had already been Passed..
  • J G
    commented 2015-12-02 11:53:44 -0500
    Chris has 45 schedule 3 already passed?
  • Chris Miller
    commented 2015-12-02 08:37:10 -0500
    jared Grey it doesnt matter which party you think our votes have anything to do with is appointed. Facts are facts money can be a huge deal maker or breaker. Until we in the industry and even us as Canadian citizens refuse to allow our rights to be taken away by the same people that put them in place for all Canadians. Bill 45, Section 3 is not only detrimental to the economy monetarily and will result in job loss’ but the loss of some of our given rights in the Charter. I have been invited to work with the E-cigarette associations to bring my knowledge to the legislative assembly. Along with scientific,medical data, lab results and negotiations in making sure the bill doesn’t decimate the E-cig industry for every Ontarian and Canadians alike.
  • J G
    commented 2015-12-01 00:49:52 -0500
    Here here sir.. It’s a little too late for the industry.. Looks like the Liberals will go ahead and axe an fledgling industry at the behest of big tobaccopharma and partisn interests..

    When will Canadians wake up to the reality of a Liberal government in Canada..

    I’m embarrassed and the jokes on us..