(Video) Local People Speaking Up & Out on COVID: Martin Whyte

For a lot of businesses, it hasn't been COVID that devastated or severely hindered their efforts to keep people employed and provide goods and services to their community, but rather the government's continued response to COVID.

While government and the media are focused on the experts, the most important voices often aren't considered, which is not only wrong but leads to bad policies. I spoke with long-time Lanark area businessman Martin Whyte about the problems he is facing, from delayed approvals and licensing for employees, problems with supply chains, the government's treatment of blue collar work during the pandemic, and the negative effects CERB is having on the labour market. It's clear the heavy hand of government has been much more harmful to the livelihoods of the working class than COVID has been.

If you've experienced similar issues, comment below with your experience, follow my page, and stay tuned as I'll be speaking with more local people about the impact of the government's COVID response.

If you believe these policies are disproportionate and need reform, contact the Premier, local municipal councillors, your MPP, your MP, and express your views. Democracy works best when we all use it; phone, email, or visit your elected members.

Premier: [email protected] or [email protected]
If his email bounces back, here is his phone number:

Find Your MPP: https://www.ola.org/en/members

Find Your Local Health Unit: http://www.health.gov.on.ca/en/common/system/services/phu/locations.aspx